And to think that some celebrities in India made such a big deal out of this movie by making smart-ass comments describing how the movie shows India in a bad light, it's just hilarious. Mr.Bachchan, you have to know when to shut your mouth. If someone sees a duet that you have done with heroines running around a tree and says that Indians are silly and stupid, would you have stopped doing that? We don't do that in real life, do we? It's all about the money dude! You have made enough, now let others do the same.
Though I am glad A.R.Rahman won two Oscars - for something that he himself accepted was not his best work - I don't understand what qualifies a song to get nominated in the best song category. Does it have to be part of a famous movie? Hopefully from now, more of our music gets recognized globally! If there was one category that this movie deserved an award in, it's the editing. It takes a lot of effort to make sense with a non-linear screenplay. Kudos on that!
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